Friday, February 12, 2010

The Office

Back in Bangkok. I don't think of myself as an office worker or chained to a desk, but increasingly I am. The last three days in KL was very interactive, talking with real people, very little time looking at screens. Today it's back to the desk, PC and phone. It used to be that I had plenty of meetings, many of them outside the office. But this has diminished as I spend more and more of my time dealing with colleagues in the UK and 10 East Asian countries and less in Thailand. In some ways that got me off the hook - some meetings go on and on - and I've been able to get on with The Work. But at the expense of variety. The important thing is to to look away from the screen, stretch my legs, get a drink from the water dispenser, chat with colleagues, and get out of the office. I value my lunchbreaks and always make a point of getting out. Once mid-afternoon too, just to walk round the block. But I should vary my day more really. One thing I try to avoid is using the PC at home, but ultimately there's always a reason to do it - like this blog for one thing. It can't be good for eyes or posture. Maybe I should switch career and become a farmer?

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