Monday, March 14, 2011


Well, made it to the half-century. No big celebrations. We've not been in Beijing long enough to have accumulated masses of friends so I didn't have a big party. And I had a normal (too) busy day in the office.

But what made it special was the time & effort Liz & the girls put into procedings at home. Beautifully wrapped presents at breakfast including a gorgeous Chinese box filled with well-wishes from friends. Very touching. And a lovely dinner with birthday cake on a beautifully set table.

So, what does it feel like? Bit like 40 really but with a few more wrinkles and hair receding at the front. But feeling fairly fit - and no paunch. One of the well-wishes read "You know when you're getting old when you turn the volume knob to the left." I need to keep turning it to the right.

1 comment:

  1. So, going deaf are we?
    Sorry, what did you say?
    Speak up!
